
Gesashi's magical mangrove

Source: Stripes Okinawa
Story and Photos by Keith T. Graff

Whether seeking solitude from Nago City's urban buzz or a new site for a family outing, a leisurely drive up the east coast on Highway 331 has its own rewards. But just past the Highway 14 intersection, a majestic mangrove forest offers even more.

Mangrove River Walk Park in Gesashi is just past Arume Bay. Lush mangrove shrubs and trees line the river banks as well as the scenic walkway that winds its way through the area.

Visitors can take a leisurely stroll a few hundred meters into this off-road paradise. More adventurous people can take the trail farther up adn come back over the ridge to get a panoramic view, but watch out for the habu snake. For the less adventurous, a small tower is easy to access near the parking area.

Photo caption: A view upstream from the entrance of Mangrove River Walk Park.

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