
Kadena Services Weekly Highlights - 25 April

Heal the world...make it a better place...
International Beach Clean-up
Hosted by Kadena Marina
26 April • 9 am - 11 am
Sunabe Seawall
Call Kadena Marina at 634-6344 to register

Show me the money!
50K Bingo
Rocker NCO Club • 634-0740
3 May • 3 pm
$75 • members
$85 • nonmembers
Tickets on sale now!

Show ’em who's best
Inter-service Speedball Tournament

5 on 5, Navy vs. Army vs. Air Force vs. Marine Corps
26 & 27 April • 10 am
$80 • five person team
$25 • person
Prizes for 1st through 3rd
Outdoor Recreation • 634-2811

You like cheap and easy?
Movie on the Lawn

26 April • 8 p.m. or sunset
Shrek 2

Large screen located behind Risner Gym
Movie starts at dark

Log on to www.kadenaservices.com for complete details on all Kadena Services events, programs, and activities.

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