
Expo Park: For the kid in all of us

Story and Photo by Keith I. Graff

The weekend is here and the weather is nice. So why not pack up the whole family in the car and go to the Expo Park in Motobu!

The Churaumi Aquarium is the first stop for most folks and an excellent choice. You and your kids can not only see all of the aquatic life on display in relative comfort, but there’s even a few interactive displays where they can get their hands wet and touch the sea life or even pose for a photo in the gigantic jaws of a prehistoric shark.

Afterward, most folks make their way clown the hill to the whale and dolphin shows at the Okichan Theater. If there is any wait for the show to start, ice cream and snacks are on the menu and readily available.

After the show, chances are that you will have a bunch of kids who are excited from the visual stimulation — and a highly toxic sugar overdose. So what can you do to keep the kids from bouncing around like a pack of raging hyenas on the long drive back in bumper—to—bumper traffic?

A new play land recently opened just up the hill from the Churaumi Aquarium. While the temptation will be great, quickly whisk the kids past this area and visit it last on your agenda. After you’ve had the chance to see all that you want to see first; then you can turn them loose to burn, pillage and destroy.

The play land is chock full of equipment for little ones up to age 12 and there is plenty of room to roam. Virtually everything there is padded including the ground in some areas. And for added safety, parents are required to stay and observe their children. Shaded areas are provided.

With the kids all burned out and exhausted for the ride home, you might even be able to concentrate on the traffic or hold a coherent conversation with your spouse or friends. It’s a win—win situation for the whole family. But, don’t just take my word for it. Go to the Expo Park in Motobu and check it out for yourself.

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