
island tours - April 11


Okinawa: Back to the Future
Saturday, April 12; 9 a.m.—5 p.m. Adults, $18; Children (3—11), $11; Children (0—2), $5
Visit the new Okinawa Prefectural Museum and learn about the island’s past, present, and future. After enjoying the museum, we’ll visit Naha Main Place Shopping Center to enjoy lunch and the modern Japanese shopping experience. Bring yen for lunch, admission (400), and purchases.

Hiji Falls & Okuma
Saturday, April 12; 8:30 a.m.—5 p.m. Adults, $18; Children (3—11), $11;
Children (0—2), $5
Enjoy a hike to Hiji Falls and work up an appetite. After the hike, we’ll have a late lunch at Okuma. Bring yen for admission to Hiji Falls (200) and dollars for lunch. Note: Hiking can be strenuous and is not recommended for individuals with health problems.

Okinawa Highlights
Sunday, April 13; 9 a.m.—5 p.m. Adults, $18; Children (3—11), $11; Children (0—2), $5
Visit some of Okinawa’s top tourist destinations, including Zakimi Castle ruins, Bob Point, an Itoman glass blowing factory, and Peace Prayer Park. Bring money for lunch and yen for admission fees (800) and purchases.

Battle Sites
Sunday, April 13; 9 a.m.—5 p.m. Adults, $23.50; Children (3—11). $13; Children (0—2), $5
Visit the Battle of Okinawa Historical Collection on Camp Kinser. Then relive the battle with a history lesson. Explore the Japanese Naval Underground Headquarters and end the day at Peace Prayer Park. Bring dollars for lunch and yen for admission fees. Note: Participants should wear comfortable, non-skid shoes and bring a hat and flashlight.

For more information, contact MCCS Tours+: Camp Foster, 646-3502 ; Camp Hansen, 623-6344 ; Camp Kinser, 637-2744

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