
Monument recalls wartime woes

Story and Photos by Keith T. Graff

Not far from Peace Prayer Memorial Park in Itoman is the Kenji Monument, or the “Tower of brave youth,” dedicated to the 307 teachers and male students of the Okinawa Normal School. Conscripted into the military and killed during battle, most fell at Mahuni Hill where the monument is located.

In early 1945 the war drew closer to Okinawa. The local citizenry - thousands of people from across the island - were mobilized and placed in labor camps to build massive fortifications. Perhaps out of desperation, the military trained school boys to fight as soldiers.

The boys were given a rifle, 20 rounds of ammunition two grenades and instructed to never surrender. When their ammunition was exhausted, they had to use the bayonet. If they had no bayonet, they were to use the rifle as a club or throw rocks. One grenade was made to be thrown at the enemy and the other was for dispatching themselves.

During the waning days of the battle, boys who tried to surrender were often shot by Japanese troops before they could reach the safety of the American lines.

The monument is located on the back side of Mabuni Hill. You can walk to the monument by going a few hundred meters around the hill from the main parking area.

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