
Yuriko's Kitchen: Fried Tuna with sesame seed

By Tomoko Tomori
Instructor, Okinawa Women's College
Sample from her book "Okinawan Home Cooking"


(5 servings)
Tuna - 250g
Egg white - 1/2
White sesame seeds - 5 tbs
Black sesame seeds - 3 tbs
Japanese Sake - 2 tbs
Soy sauce - 1 tbs
Cooking oil for frying
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste

How to make
1. Slice tuna, marinate in soy sauce, salt and pepper for a few minutes.
2. Remove tuna from the marinate mixture, dip in egg white, coat in white sesame seeds and in black sesame seeds before frying.
3. Heat oil in pan, fry tuna until both sides are browned.

1 comment:

Branvini said...

Here's the original article:
