
Fad-Tech Sales & Service

Have Fun at Home

Package 3:
SkyTV (15 channels)
Includes SkyTV unit rental
ADSL (40mbps)
Includes ISP & NTT ADSL
VOIP US Number
2.5cents to U.S.A. ($1 .50/hr.) Includes FREE unlimited incoming calls
One time fee: 25% OFF

Package 2a:
SkyTV (15 channels)
Includes SkyTV unit rental
VOIP US Number
2.5cents to U.S.A. ($1 .50/hr.) Includes FREE unlimited incoming calls
One time fee: 20% OFF
Package 2b:
SkyTV (15 channels)
Includes SkyTV unit rental
ADSL (40mbps)
Includes ISP & NTT ADSL
$90.45/monthly One time fee: 15% 0FF
Package 2c:
ADSL (40mbps)
Includes ISP & NTT ADSL
VOIP US Number
2.5cents to U.S.A. ($1 .50/hr)
lncludes FREE unlimited incoming calls
One time fee: 15% OFF
Also Available:
- Fiber Optic
- Cellphones rental & contract
- AFN installations
Please calls for rates & prices.
220 Ihei Nakamura Bldg., Chatan-Cho, Okinawa, Japan 904-0102
Tel: (098)936-5842 U.S.A. No in Okinawa: 1-650-288-1933

Email: info@fad-tech.com http://www.fad-tech.com

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