
culture corner: Your Personality - It's In Your Blood

We’ve all either heard it, joked about it, scoffed at it, or maybe even (admit it) asked it. The cliché pick-up line, “Hey baby, what’s your sign?," is as familiar and tired as any out there. But have you ever thought about whether that pick-up line would make any sense in Japan?

The answer is, probably not. In Japan, there isn’t as much of an interest in the Western astrological signs. It’s not about being a Capricorn, Sagittarius, or Aries. In Japan, it’s all about A, B, O, and AB. That’s right. The popular personality and temperament determinant here is ketsueki-gata (blood type). The four blood types (whether you are negative or positive doesn’t matter) are linked to different personality types.

Historically, the scientific study of blood types as they relate to personality has been a means by which scientists have tried to prove the physical existence of racial superiority. This, of course, has resulted in disproving that any racial superiority exists biologically, but it has spurred an interesting technical study of the relationship between that vital liquid of life and the sometimes mysterious world of character traits.

Coined blood psychology, a great deal of research in the 1950s, 60s and 70s was conducted in Japan concerning how blood type affects personality. Interestingly, the most popular research (and the most oft denounced by the scientific community) has been conducted by people with no medical background.

With that, it’s important to mention that there is actually no scientific proof that there is any connection between blood type and personality.

But that has not precluded the popularity of ketsueki-gata in Japan. Blood type pops up everywhere from job applications to magazines to registering on websites. Some morning television shows feature blood type segments, and many fictional video game, anime, and manga characters are described using their blood types. Ketsueki-gata is also often a make-or-break when it comes to relationships. Many women’s magazines have pages dedicated to blood type horoscopes and dating advice. Just like hard-headed Leo supposedly has a hard time getting along with wishy-washy Libra, some blood types just don’t mix well with others.

Are you curious about what your blood type says about you? Type A people, at their best, tend to be calm, patient, responsible, sensible, and introverted. On a not-so-good day, they can be stubborn, overcautious, obsessive, and uptight. Those with a B blood type have the positive qualities of creativity, enthusiasm, flexibility, and passion. Negatively, they can be irresponsible, forgetful, wild, and arrogant. Type 0 folks, on a good day, are ambitious, self-confident, and sociable, or on the flip side, vain, careless, and jealous. AB types are pleasantly cool, controlled, rational, and easy to get along with. At their worst, though, they can be critical, standoffish, indecisive, and unforgiving.

Whether or not you believe in any other personality determinates out there, it’s good to know what you’ll find here in Japan. So the next time you’re out and about and really want to get someone’s attention, don’t use the same old line. Try, “Hey baby, what’s your blood type?”

—Richenda Sandlin-Tymitz

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