

Sunabe Seawall, Maeda Point, Onna Point, Sunabe Seawall Ark Dive, Sunabe Seawall Junk Yard\

Dive Site Difficulty Factor
Ratings are progressive, from 1 (easy dive) to 5 (very difficult dive). The ratings apply specifically to the site, not to the level of experience of the diver. They take into account ease of entry, depths, hazards, currents, and how the weather affects the site. The ratings are also based on ideal conditions, which include calm seas, mild winds, and little current. During periods of less than ideal conditions, the difficulty factor increases and assessing the true level of difficulty requires diving experience at the site. Until a diver is familiar with a site, a site orientation from a trained professional is strongly recommended.

Horseshoe Pavilion, Kadena Steps North, Kadena Steps South

Sunabe Seawall Curry House, Sunabe Seawall South, Toilet Bowl, Maeda Flats, Bolo Point, Kin Red

Photos by Charles Thomas

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