
Learning Japanese key to enjoying Okinawan culture

Pfc. Antwain J. Graham

CAMP FOSTER, Okinawa (July 25, 2008) -- Communicating in a foreign language can be difficult, however, several resources are available to make the process easier for Status of Forces Agreement personnel on Okinawa desiring to learn the Japanese language and customs.

Learning the Japanese language and culture allows personnel to better communicate with locals, allowing for a richer understanding and more enjoyable experience in Japan, according to officials with the Marine Corps Community Services Personal Services Center.

Personal Services Centers on Okinawa, located on Camps Foster and Hansen, and Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, offer free monthly courses that teach the basics of the Japanese language and culture.

Students who have taken the course are thankful for the opportunity, said Erika Vaughan, PSC operational readiness support program coordinator.

"Feedback is always positive, people really appreciate the classes," she said.
Students first attend "Survival Japanese," a one-hour class focused on basic day-to-day dialogue, before moving on to more advanced classes.

With Japanese levels two and three, students are given a more detailed look into the structure of the language, the culture, as well as the history and geography of Japan, said Vaughan.

Another resource available for SOFA personnel to learn Japanese is the Lifelong Learning Program offered at the University of Maryland University College.

The university offers intermediate to advanced language courses at the Education Center on Foster.

The course is $585 plus the cost of books, according to Bob Stenard, supervisory guidance counselor for the Lifelong Learning Program. However, service members may use tuition assistance to cover the cost, he added.

One student currently attending the course said he is surprised at the quick progress he has made in the class.

"The class is great," said Master Sgt. Miroslaw Zuczkeiwicz. "I have learned more here in the past month and a half than I have in the past five years."

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