
Kadena Services Weekly Highlights 15-22 May

Need a whiplashing good time?
Latin Comedy Show & Super Latina Night
Saturday, 17 May • Show starts at 9 pm
Tickets on sale at the Rocker NCO Club
$15 • Members
$20 • Nonmembers
Adults only.
Super Latina Night right after the show!

How can you resist?
Pet Adoption Day
17 May • 11am – 2 pm
Kadena BX garden area
50% off adoptions • Call 632-4970

Work it…work it!
Eclectic Style Fashion & Talent Show
Saturday, 17 May • Banyan Tree Club • 634-0644
Doors open at 5 pm • Show starts at 6 pm
Bring the entire family out for a good time.
$5 • Members
$10 • Nonmembers

All you feens hit the greens
Memorial Day Family Scramble
26 May • 7 am – 4 pm
Open to families (two – six people)
$20 per family plus green and rental fees
Winners will be announced on 27 May

Army MWR Events

Navy MWR Events

Log on to www.kadenaservices.com for complete details on all Kadena Services events, programs, and activities.

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