
fashion: Think Pink

Fashion tends to attune itself in the hues of the season. Winter brings out white and glitter (ala snow), and fall takes its cue from trees busy shedding leaves of burnt red and orange. So what does the color palette hold for spring? Take a jaunt through any popular fashion haven this time of year and you’re going to notice a common trend: pink.

For a short time during spring, Japan is veiled in pink buds of sakura, the beloved cherry blossom. While traditionally sakura is deeply symbolic of the beauty and frailty of human life, fashion leaves the metaphor and steals the flower. One would be hard-pressed not to find an overabundance of pink in stores right now. Spring clothing is sprinkled with pink of all forms, from flowers and stripes to animals. And like the blossoms themselves that range from a clear coral to a florid fuchsia, this springy trend applies the entire pink spectrum to its duds.

Pink wear is by no means limited to clothing. Nearly every accessory from mobile phones to puppy finery shows the pink hue. While the West traditionally looks at pink with more feminine undertones, this does not hold true in Japan: pink has found its way into male ensembles as well.

So the time has come to expel the winter drudgery and dive into pink. Pick up some sakura-inspired threads and enjoy the warmer weather while rejoicing in springtime.

- Lauren Bradfield

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