
Cunningham's Rockin' Cabana

Looking for a place to let your inner rock star loose? Look no further than Cunningham’s Rockin’ Cabana. These rehearsal studios are located in Building 104 on MCAS Futenma. Named after the first Marine Corps
aviator, LtCol Alfred Austell Cunningham (1888—1932), Cunningham’s Rockin’ Cabana was developed in response to feedback from the Single Marine Program. You wanted rehearsal space, and now you’ve got it.

Rock like The King in the privacy of your own studio, or bring in your band to practice for the next gig. FREE equipment and instruments are available, including drum sets, guitars, bass amps, keyboards, and microphones. Cunningham’s Rockin’ Cabana is open Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday from 2 to 10 p.m. On Friday and Saturday you can jam out from 4 p.m. to midnight. Studios are closed on Monday and Tuesday. Studio time can be reserved in two-hour blocks.

The cabana is open to all DoD and SOFA-status individuals. Musicians under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

For more information or to reserve a studio, call 636-1100.

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