
Ryukyuan Island Style

If rising humidity, suffocating heat, and rapidly increasing bug count mean anything, summer has officially arrived on Okinawa. While most would rather beat the heat the heat by worshipping central air, going outside is unavoidable. Enter Okinawa’s answer to staying cool and style-savvy— kariyushi wear.

Translating roughly to “happy abundance,” kariyushi is Okinawa’s version of the Hawaiian shirt. Created to entice tourists to purchase local goods during vacation, kariyushi began picking up steam as a local product that combines both fashion and functionality. Anyone who has spent a
summer in Okinawa knows it is impossible to survive outside in thick attire, much less draped in heavy work garments.

Kariyushi employs the same basic look as Hawaiian shirts, but the design, fabric, and colors make this style unique to Okinawa. With details ranging from clown fish to ripened goya to jumping shisa, these gorgeous garments combine vibrant colors and bold patterns to achieve a look that exudes Okinawan chic.

So when you must venture from your climate-controlled oasis, why not sport your own bit of Okinawan style? Local shops have shelves stocked with such garments including those made by the popula brand Mango House. But be forwarned - just because you purchased a tropical shirt on Okinawa, you’re not guaranteed true kariyushi wear. To fall within that exclusive category, the shirt must be created entirely on Okinawa, show local imagery, and have a certified seal. Only then are you clad in true Ryukyuan island style.

—Lauren Bradfield
QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? E-mail thesource@okinawa.usmc.org

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